Episode Title - "Ōhashi High School Cultural Festival - Part III"
Original Air Date - December 25, 2008.
Ami addresses the school and starts the beauty contest as a dominatrix. Just as Taiga makes a dramatic appearance in the beauty contest, Ryūji receives a text from her dad saying he would not be able to live with her. Taiga wins the beauty contest, despite the sadness that her father did not show up. A race is held to determine who will dance with Taiga, and Ryūji, finally understanding Minori's warning, is determined to win it, using short cuts and stepping on top of other participants. Near the end of the race, two boys push Minori, who is the only girl participating, down and she throws a baseball at them. She also throws herself towards the last four participants and provides an opportunity for Ryūji to win. However, he goes back for her. They hold hands as they cross the finish line together, forgiving each other.